Drafting A Research Paper Proposal In The MLA Style: Tips And Examples

What is a research paper?

Quintessential part of your academic career which will helps people to judge your capability and the in-depth knowledge that you have acquired on the choice of your subject. Generally to be submitted at the end of the college semester, it is a form of a research work that you need to do on the choice of your subject. You are appointed a mentor from whom you can ask for any helps regarding the topic and on other facts. You need to do a detailed analysis on the topic of your choice and for that you have to do a lot of hard work. You have to come up with authentic materials which cannot be questioned by any critics.

What is a research proposal?

Before beginning the work of research paper on the topic that you have selected you need to submit a proposal of the work to your mentor. Her you need to briefly describe your upcoming agendas on which you are going to discuss in your paper. You have to give brief introductions to the each and individual work that you are going to talk about. It helps to assume the amount of research that is needed to be done and the monetary assistance that is needed to be given by your college for your work. It is a kind of proposal of the work that is needed to be done.

There are many formats to write a research paper, it might be the APA or the rule set by the American Psychological Association or it might be MLA form of write up.

What is an MLA form of write up?

It is a form of specific guideline that is needed to be followed to come up with a good research paper. It provides the author to come up with a parenthetical citation of sources in their essays. The use of MLA style can help writer from saving themselves from the problems of plagiarisms, which is an accidental use of materials from pre-written sources on that topic.

General guidelines:

  • White 8.5 x 11-inch paper is the standard paper for printing your work.
  • Legible fonts should be used and the size should be 12 pt.
  • Spaces should only be after punctuation.
  • Indenting of the first line should be one inch away from the left margin.
  • There should be a perfect header that numbers all your pages.
  • Endnotes should be included on a separate page.

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