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How To Organize A Cover Page For A Research Paper In The Chicago Style
There are many different formats for many different papers. For example, there is the APA format, MLA format, and also the Chicago format. Knowing when to use these various formats is key to writing a successful paper in any given course. For example, an English class in college will mostly request your paper be done in MLA format. It may or may not require a cover page. In this case, a person will need to know how to organize a cover page for a research paper in the Chicago format, this site can assist with that.
- Format Paper
- Margins should be 1 or 1.5 for all sides
- Type of font should be Times New Roman or any other font the instructor allows. But usually it is Times New Roman.
- Font size should be 10-12 pt. Usually, it is 12 pt.
- The entire text should be double spaced.
- Notes and bibliographies single spaced
- Page number in heading
- Subheadings should be used only for longer papers and should be short enough that it shouldn’t require a period. These are key essentials to a research paper written in the Chicago format. If your paper is not formatted in this way, then you need to format it.
You cannot create a cover page for a paper that is not formatted correctly.
- Title Page
- Title (centered on the page)
- Name and class information
For a Chicago formatted paper, a student will be required to have a title page. This will include:
Subtitle should be after a colon
A title page is also known as the cover page. In all Chicago formatted papers, this is what will be required on the page. If the instructor asks you to include another item, do so in the guide of a title page. Remember that a Chicago formatted paper needs to be formatted correctly with the proper guidelines. A title page is also known as the cover page. It must include the title of your paper, your name, and class information. Any other items that your instructor wants you to include, do so but still follow the basic guidelines of a Chicago formatted research paper. Refer to the site if you want to know more and need help formatting your Chicago formatted research paper.
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